Primary Energy Recycling Corporation :: Investor Information
Investor Information   Print 

Primary Energy Recycling Corporation, located in Oak Brook, Illinois, is the beneficial owner of four wholly-owned Recycled Energy Projects with a 50% interest in a pulverized coal facility. The projects have a combined electrical generating capacity of 283 megawatts and a combined steam generating capacity of 1,851 Mlbs/hour.

Primary Energy Recycling Corporation creates value for its customers by capturing and recycling waste energy from industrial processes and converting it into reliable and economical electricity and thermal energy for its customers’ use.

Contact Information

Investor Relations:
Mike Alverson
Vice President
Phone (630) 371-0639
Email: [email protected]

Transfer Agent

Computershare Investor Services, Inc.
100 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J2Y1


PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP


Tory’s LLP

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