Primary Energy Recycling Corporation :: Portside Energy LLC
Portside Energy LLC   Print 


United States Steel Corporation


Portage, Indiana


500 kpph steam
330 mmbtu/hr hot water

Project Description

United States Steel (formerly National Steel) and Primary Energy identified an opportunity to replace an existing onsite boiler house with a state-of-the-art combined heat and power facility (CHP). Primary Energy built, owns, and operates a 63 MW facility that supplies process steam, hot softened water, and electricity to USS's Midwest Plant operations.

Commercial Operation

September 1997


The CHP facility supplies 100% of the thermal energy needs and the majority of the electical energy needs of the Midwest Plant. The combined impact of replacing steam production using natural gas/fuel oil and the simultaneous production of electricity also has the effect of reducing regional emissions by an average of 1,500 tons of NOx, 2,500 tons of SO2, and 380,000 tons of CO2 per year.

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